The Spring Community Salmon Program Intake has now closed.
The Pacific Salmon Foundation’s Community Salmon Program (CSP) is a grantmaking program that supports volunteer and community–driven organizations that undertakes salmon conservation and restoration projects in British Columbia and the Yukon.
CSP offers two streams of grant funding: Short and Standard Form applications. Applicants are limited to one Short Form application (single-item requests not exceeding $2,500) per funding round, and unlimited Standard Forms (requests over $2,500). Please note that CSP will pay up to 50% of the total value of each project and must be matched by other funds, donations, and volunteer labour.
Please contact us to learn more about applying to the Community Salmon Program: or 604-664-7664 x1002.
Eligibility criteria and program information for Short Form applications
Eligibility criteria and program information for Standard applications
Grant regulations and report requirements: Application Agreement